miercuri, 26 mai 2010

Din seria Jeff Dunham

Peanut este preferatul meu. Ansolut fantastic...si apoi Ahmed the Dead Terrorist

duminică, 23 mai 2010


Ma jucam cu-un test;)))...sunt de acord cu ceva..."forgive, but never forget"
You are very loved. Everyone finds you a welcoming, warm person. They look to you for advice and comfort, and someone to just have a good time with. Your personality is seen as cliche and average, but in truth, you have talents and skills and ideas that no one has thought of before. You are someone with style. You are good with colors, and you know how to color people's worlds and minds to your way. You think new relationships are a coloring book, to fill them in with fulfilling conversations and meetings. You may seem nice and perfect and beautiful, you have a policy of "forgive but never forget". You always remember your enemies if you have any, and you know where to steer. Sometimes, when you're completely lost, you are dependent on friends for help. You hope they'll be there for you, but sometimes you fear that they won't be. That is something you are afraid of. You are ready to give, but you are also ready to accept. To many, it seems like you change your personality just for different people, but in fact, you are the one thing that's not changing. Other people grow on you, and grow fond of you, not the other way around. You are always yourself, and you are definite.

duminică, 16 mai 2010

Imi este dor...

Mi-ar fi placut sa fie acestea cuvintele mele, insa nu sunt. Te iubesc!

"Totul imi lipseste...de la saruturile tale(oh, cum mi-au crapat buzele, ce aspre sunt!) pana la somnul linistit alaturi de tine....
Existi...cat de indurator e Dumnezeu, ce minunata e fericirea pe care acum o vad ca pe un vis, ca pe o legenda...
Inainte de a adormi te chem in gand, tu vii, dar somnul nu. Te visez in putinele ore de odihna, si diminetile sunt crunte: tu nu esti aici si neputinta e ca o rana....
Trupul meu te doreste tot, ii e atat de dor de tine...nu, nu te uita trupul meu, degetele tale il mangaie inca, fiorul dulce al sarutului tau il cutreiera mereu, dorinta aceasta e sfasietoare, dar cat de fierbinte va fi prima noastra imbratisare cand ne vom revedea?....
E minunat sa fim minunati, dar totul se parbuseste cand unul din noi lipseste.
Noapte buna, dragoste, copil iubit, am sa te visez iar si zambetul tau curat o sa ma faca sa mai pot trai o zi..."

duminică, 9 mai 2010